Wednesday, September 23 2020

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Families in Columbus 😍

2+3x18 Decorative Arts Center of Ohio exhibit

Sponsored by Decorative Arts Center Of Ohio and their new exhibition 2+3x18: Rooted in tradition from the Byzantine, Medieval, and Renaissance eras, diptychs (two-paneled pieces) and triptychs (three-paneled pieces) have been used to tell stories through the ages. This exhibition features 18 contemporary Ohio artists who have used the diptych and triptych to create remarkable stories, some focused on personal experiences and others on a life-long interest or idea. More info right here. 👩‍🎨🎨

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm really, really excited about fall. I would be apologetic but I feel like there's nothing to be sorry for. Fall in Ohio is the absolute most magical season and after the year we've all had, we've earned the beautiful leaves, the yummy fall treats, and the general fall fun. If you're planning some fun outdoor activities for the whole family, we've got a few suggestions. Honestly, even if you don't have kids and you're just looking for fall fun in general, this list is worth a look. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Franklin Park Conservatory is pretty any time of the year, but a visit during Harvest Blooms is always a good use of your time. In October, Pumpkins Aglow will start, so be sure to plan your visits accordingly! 


We may not be the oldest city around, but we were home to lots of incredible firsts. And, after all, if you're not first, you're last! 😂

Talking Points ❤️ 

It's Bad 💸

Yelp has published an economic impact report the country, and while it's not Columbus specific it gives an idea of just what kind of landscape we're going to be looking at once this is all behind us. Restaurants, bars, and nightlife have all been leveled as industries, but there's pain to go around.


More Great Hiking 🌳

At this point, you might be tired of Columbus Navigator pushing outdoor activities, but fair warning, there's really no end in sight on that front. Along those lines, I enjoyed this look at this travel blog's picks for the best hiking trails near Columbus. Some standard picks for sure, but a couple of surprises also (and some choices that are very much stretching the concept of "Columbus", but that's ok since this writer is from London. Not London, Ohio, the UK London.)

(It's All Bee)

Coronavirus Updates 💊


80 and sunny

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone & PM2.5/Particles)


 Low-Medium (Ragweed, Nettle, Chenopods)

Today's Photo 🤳

Ooh, the colors here! 😍

The sunsets lately have been so gorgeous, and should only get better in the next month

. 🌤


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- Chelsea