Wednesday, November 16, 2022

🏗 A New Boutique Hotel Will Open Near Franklinton This Spring

Sponsored by Columbus Zoo and AquariumVisit for more information. 

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

There are so many things happening around Columbus right now that it’s kind of hard not to live in a state of constant anticipation. But one of the projects we’ve been the most excited about is the development of the Scioto Peninsula. One of the cornerstones of the area will be The Junto, a boutique hotel with lots to offer the area, including nearly 200 guest rooms, 6 restaurants and retail spaces, and more. 2023 is going to be a great year for this city! 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


I love Christmas trees and I LOVE donuts, so I don’t think it will be hard for you to imagine my genuine joy when I heard that one of the best donut shops in the city was bringing back their iconic Donut Christmas Tree. I mean, does it get any cuter than this? 

Headlines 📰 

🤔 Someone on Reddi

t asked about everyone’s favorite hidden gems in Columbus and


💸 Columbus passed a $1.5 billion

bond package. But what exactly does that mean?

(Axios Columbus)

😢 We really have to stop

tearing down interesting buildings in this city. Good thing we replaced this unique and iconic restaurant


☀️ Weather:

39 and mostly cloudy. 

Sponsored by the Greater Columbus Arts CouncilAndrew Levitt, known around Columbus and the world as Nina West, is blooming into an absolute superstar right now. With a brand centered on kindness, Nina's vibes are exactly what we all need right now. "I love that I can have such a positive impact on the lives of people who come to the show. I love that I can create any character and express myself in any way and share the art of drag." For more info about the Artists Making Columbus right now, visit

Coming Up 📆

🎸 11/16: 

🏀 11/16:

🎵 11/16: 

🏒 11/17:

🎸 11/18: 

🐯 11/18: 

🎄 11/18:

🎶 11/18-11/19: 

🏒 11/19:

😂 11/19: 

Sponsored by the Columbus Symphony"Extravagantly talented… the audience’s response was raucous… everything he touches turns fantastical and memorable.” (THE NEW YORK TIMES) Iconic organ soloist Cameron Carpenter will star in Francis Poulenc’s Concerto for Organ, showcasing the powerful ‘Mighty Morton’ organ in the Ohio Theatre, one of the best instruments of its kind in the country, November 11-18. For more info, or to purchase your tickets, visit 🎵

Today's Photo 🤳

I've always loved The Dispatch building.

Where are your favorite spots downtown? 


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- Chelsea