Wednesday, November 13 2019

This Retro Ranch in UA Has Us Swooning πŸ‘😍

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

How are we all loving this cold weather? Sick of it yet? Loving the snow? I'm somewhere in the middle, but I think we can all admit this is entirely too cold for November. But let's forget about that and talk about something cozier, like this adorable, retro ranch in Upper Arlington. It sits on a great little piece of property with plenty of privacy and the interior is a midcentury dream. Take a look for yourself!

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Let's turn up the lights in here. Christmas Tree lightings are kicking off this month, so grab some warm clothes, fill up your tumbler with hot chocolate, and get out there.


Hey muggles, it's time to do something crafty. Here's your chance to create your own Harry Potter wand. Transform a block of wood into something truly magical, no spells required. 

Talking Points ❀️ 

Outdoor Volunteering 🌳

Have you ever thought about volunteering with Metro Parks? We get many emails from people asking about volunteering in Columbus, and this looks like a great opportunity where you get to be outdoors:

(Blendon Woods)

Transportation Experimentation 🚌

COTA is slated to run their second "Mobility Innovation Test" on November 23rd. They'll be turning North High Street, from Dodridge to Lane, into a bus, bike, and scooter only lane. Before the Ohio State - Penn State game the dedicated lane will be southbound, and when the game kicks off it will transition to northbound. The data will be used to hopefully help the city of Columbus realize what many other cities have already realized, that dedicated bus lanes are Good and Useful. Hit the link for more, including an overview of the first test they ran back in July and August.


Oh No πŸ’¦

The AP has investigated our nation's dam infrastucture, and it may not surprise you that it's bad in Ohio. Over 100 Ohio dams rated "high hazard", which means lives could be lost in failure, are rated poor or unsatisfactory. 



33 and increasingly cloudy

Coming Up πŸ“†

🍺 11/14-15: 

🎭 11/14-17:

πŸŽ„ 11/15:

πŸ’ 11/15:

πŸ‹ 11/16:

πŸŽ„ 11/16:

πŸ› 11/16:

Today's Photo πŸ€³

Sand kitten

Did you know you can book up close & personal experiences at the Columbus Zoo?

recently did it and met otters, bar eared foxes, a penguin, a cheetah, and the above, a sand kitten, which is a real-life wild animal I just learned about right now. AMAZING. πŸ“Έ|


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea