Wednesday, November 1 2017

Watch Columbus Crew fans chant at owner Anthony Precourt to close out the Crew's 4-1 playoff win ⚽️

Welcome to November. It's James.

Even if you don't care about sports, or if you just don't care about soccer, you should still be paying attention to this Columbus Crew team. It's a real life

Major League

scenario, where the owner would probably prefer the team lose so that things would quiet down.

Fans let owner Anthony Precourt know what they think of him late in the game, with a chant (C R E Double U, F--- you Precourt, We Are The Crew) that was heard loud and clear on the national ESPN broadcast. Also: see all four Crew goals that led to the 4-1 win. The Crew play again Sunday in New York City, and hopefully they'll make it through to the next round where another home playoff game would await them.

Wednesday Weather 🌡49. Rain. Chance of precipitation 60%, mainly after 3 PM. 🌧

Navigator Originals ✏️Restaurants In Columbus For That Multi-Course Fine Dining Experience That You Deserve [Miller]Zoey has the low down on local multi-course tasting menus, which can be fun and (relatively) inexpensive ways to check out the fancier restaurants in town.Award Winning Actor Richard Dreyfuss To Be Inducted Into White Castle’s Cravers Hall Of Fame [Miller]We're all still super intrigued by this White Castle Hall of Fame deal that Zoey covered the other day, and now we have news that they are inducting Richard Dreyfuss? I need a physical White Castle Hall of Fame to visit.Adriatico’s Building Will Be Torn Down, But Owner Won’t Give Up That Easily [Wiley]Anyone who went to Ohio State has a special place in their heart for Adriatico's and I'd argue the building is one of the most famous in Columbus, just for the sheer number of people who have had memorable moments there. Nonetheless, Ohio State will be taking a wrecking ball to it next year. On the plus side, it sounds like the pizza place will survive, but the location is going to be missed.Pencil It In: The 15 Best Things Happening In Columbus In November [Wiley]There are some great things happening this month, check out Chelsea's pick of the 15 best things and start filling out your calendar.

Around Town 🏘For the Ohio governor, the campaign against Trump never stopped. And it won’t till 2020. John Kasich gets a profile in New York magazine, clearly continuing his positioning for another shot in 2020. [New York]A Columbus Crew blog has the details of someone who emailed Precourt Sports Ventures president Dave Greeley pretending to be Major League Soccer president Mark Abbott. Whether this is legit or not is impossible to know, but it makes for interesting reading at a time where we aren't hearing much about the Crew's potential move. Greeley's side of the conversation raises the possibility of Crew fans "saving" the team while Precourt still gets a team in Austin, whatever that would mean (expansion team in Columbus down the road? A non-MLS Crew?). [Massive Report]I've been talking in this newsletter about the Ohio gerrymandering case about to go to the Supreme Court. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer has been doing great work looking at how this works, and has an article that discusses one way Republicans create districts where they can't lose: by including prisons. Prisoners aren't allowed to vote, but they are included in Census counts, so it's a nifty loophole to add population to districts that otherwise would be included with nearby Democratic districts. []

Photo of the DayLook at this beautiful crowd. It's tough to argue Columbus isn't a viable market for MLS. 📷: @stephentothe

Longread 🚬Say what you will about John Boehner (and I probably have myself over the years), but it's hard to deny that certain things were better when the leaders of each party were willing to talk and try to find places where deals could be made. That seems to be a thing of the past.Politico goes in depth with the retired Ohio congressman and Speaker of the House in one of the more remarkable political interviews I have ever read.The former House speaker feels liberated—but he’s also seething about what happened to his party.Politico: John Boehner Unchained

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