Wednesday, May 22 2019

The Best Thrill-Seeking Adventures Around Central Ohio πŸŽ’😍

Sponsored by Nationwide Children's Hospital: 5 Ways On Our Sleeves From Nationwide Children’s Is Changing The Conversation On Mental Health πŸ¦‹πŸ’”βš“οΈ

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

It's hump day! Is that still a thing? I'm saying yes. Wednesdays aren't just for pink. They're also great for daydreaming. Mostly because it's the middle of the week and fatigue starts to set in, so I like to spend at least an hour thinking about all of the amazing things I can do with my time this weekend, this summer, in the next 10 years, etc. Today, I've got the perfect topic, if you're up for something a little adventurous, or, like me, you need to get your adrenaline pumping. But, fear not, this list comes with a sliding scale when it comes to thrills, and so there's something for everyone.

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


First, it was Blues Traveler in the free summer concert series at the Columbus Commons. Next up? Boys II Men. The free tickets will go first to Commons newsletter subscribers, so if you have an interest, I'd get signed up. We've got the details on how to get your hands on the tickets.


If you're still trying to get your Memorial Day plans in order, let me offer up a few suggestions. Whatever you find yourself doing this weekend, be sure to spend some time thinking about what Memorial Day means to you and honor those you're remembering.

Talking Points ❀️ 

Yurt Life πŸ•

Breakfast With Nick

. It might be one of the more interesting overnights you can do in Ohio, and Nick does a great job answering all the yurt related questions a person might have. 

Rain, rain, go away 


Who gets more rain, Columbus or Seattle?

. Or maybe not? I guess it depends on just how pessimistic you are when it comes to cloudy Columbus weather.

Nuclear Ohio ☒️

A middle school in Piketon

after possible radioactive contamination was found in air testing. A defunct nuclear power plant is in the process of being decommissioned in the area, and a former scientist with the project

. The radioactive materials were actually discovered in 2017-2018, but officials are arguing it's no cause for concern, while the scientist says 

β€œAny amount of Neptunium just basically sets off alarms and sirens for me [...] Neptunium has to be prepared in a reactor and the last time I checked there weren't any reactors in high schools, so DOE is being disingenuous.”

  Interesting timing with all of this given lawmakers are currently 

. First Energy is also, simultaneously, trying to get the state




84 and partly sunny. ⛅️

Columbus Arts Festival June 7-9

Sponsored by Columbus Arts Festival: June 7-9th at the riverfront. 150 live performances on 5 stages, 270+ artists, and so much more. Check out all the details here. πŸŽ¨πŸ–ΌπŸŽ­

Coming Up πŸ“†

🍺 5/22-25: 

🐢 5/25: 

🎭 5/25: 

πŸ‰ 5/25-26: 

πŸ“ 5/26: 

🎭 5/26: 

πŸ› 5/26: 

Today's Photo πŸ€³

Blue brick German Village house

German Village feels a little like a fairy tale sometimes. From Columbus Navigator account 

 - have a house you think we should check out? Send us a message. 🏑

Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea