Wednesday, May 13 2020

This Free Drive-In Movie Series Is The Perfect Opportunity To Get Out Of The House

Columbus Makes Art - Maggie Smith

Hello, Wednesday! Chelsea here.

I feel like it's been so long since I had the opportunity to tell you about an exciting new event happening that I'm sort of at a loss for words. But I'm going to power through it because this is exciting. If you've been wondering what sort of fun plans you'll have this summer, I've got something to add to your calendar. Starting this weekend, Ohio History Connection is hosting a free summer drive-in movie series in their parking lot. The series includes one of my all-time favorite flicks, Jurassic Park, and that is reason enough to get the heck out of the house (safely, of course). 

Navigator Feature Story:


Navigator Originals โœ๏ธ


 Ohio students who receive free and reduced lunch will receive a stipend for groceries through the CARES Act, news about tattoo parlors, updated case numbers, and more in your daily COVID-19 update. 


I'm usually a pretty tough sell on mixed-use development, but even I have to admit that Phase 3 of the Library Park development looks pretty fantastic. The renderings of the private gardens have me feeling some major yard-envy. 


Our prisons have been hotspots for coronavirus, but now the prison systems will only be testing symptomatic prisoners for COVID-19, causing advocates to raise the alarm about inmate safety. 

Talking Points โค๏ธ 

Siren Curiosity ๐Ÿ”ฅ

You've probably heard sirens wailing nearby and wondered what's going on, and it turns out there's an easy way to find out. PulsePoint is a nationwide app, integrated locally with Columbus Fire, which gives details on what those sirens mean, with the goal of helping people undergoing sudden cardiac arrest get help as quickly as possible. Read

and get the app at the link below - especially encouraged if you know how to perform CPR.

Checking In ๐Ÿˆ

I found this long read article on Maurice Clarett completely engrossing. It kind of serves as an epilogue to the


A Unique Experience ๐Ÿก

I really can't imagine A) buying a house B) selling a house or C) being a realtor right now. Shoutout to everyone living one of those lives during all of this.



64 and mostly sunny


High (Tree)

Today's Photo ๐Ÿคณ

Any readers looking at a former residence here? Waking up to those views had to make all the elevator rides worth it. ๐ŸŽ“


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- Chelsea