Wednesday, March 31, 2021

🌳 Ohio’s Largest Caverns Are Absolutely Magical

Virtual Tour and more info at Neighborhood Launch: We invite you to walk through to experience The Mews II this Sunday 1pm - 3pm at 93 N. 6th St. between Long & Gay St.! More details right here: 🏡🏡

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

After yesterday's gorgeous weather, it's hard to accept that we've still got to get through some chilly weather. Between the availability of the vaccine and the longer warm days, this spring really does feel like a rebirth. We've still got work to do when it comes to the pandemic, but I think we can all agree that being able to go outside and explore helps. Whether you've lived here your whole life or you've just moved to Columbus recently, there's a decent chance that you've heard or had the misconception that Ohio is nothing but flat cornfields. But it's not true. We've got loads of incredible natural wonders and these caverns are no exception. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


I wanted to take a second to say sorry for not linking the feature story in yesterday's newsletter and a big thank you to everyone who was kind enough to let me know. I won't be making the same mistake twice, so the wait is over my friends! 


Every time I hear news about this potential passenger rail expansion, I get a little too excited. A rail line that starts in Cincinnati and travels to Dayton and Columbus before ending in Cleveland would be




The vaccination news coming out of Ohio is encouraging, but that doesn't mean we can let up. I know I sound like a broken record but it's more important than ever to wear masks, wash your hands frequently, and adhere to social distancing. We're so close to beating this thing and we can't give up now. 

Headlines 📰 

When I read this fantastic piece from Columbus Alive, I couldn't help but be reminded of my own grandmother. She always had a wonderful urban garden and it's so lovely to see people working hard to bring the concept back to life:


Not all of Ohio's lawmakers have exactly had the most encouraging response to this pandemic. But one thing we should be grateful for is that they're getting vaccinated. Leading by example is crucial and hopefully their behavior will encourage more Ohioans to get vaccinated: 


Ohio native and Columbus City Schools graduate Deshawn Goncalves is one step closer to being named the next American Idol. Goncalves advanced to the top 24 on Monday and we can’t wait to watch him make it all the way to the top:

 (ABC 6)

According to the National Weather Service, this was the first March on record where no snow was recorded here in Columbus.



52 and cloudy

Today's Photo 🤳

I'm loving all of the signs of spring that are blooming around the city right now. Hopefully the bright colors will be enough to get us through this last little bit of wintery weather. 


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- Chelsea