Wednesday, June 17 2020

The Columbus Park Of Roses Is In Full Bloom And It's Gorgeous 🌹

The Life & Art of Barbara Shermund

Sponsored by Decorative Arts Center of Ohio which is proud to present a Virtual Tour of Tell Me a Story Where the Bad Girl Wins: The Life & Art of Barbara Shermund. Starting in 1925, Shermund contributed nine covers and hundreds of cartoons to the New Yorker, and later became a celebrated mainstay at Esquire. Her cartoons had a fierce and feminist electricity rarely seen in that era of male-dominated cartooning. Learn more and take the tour right here! 💥💥

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

With everything that's going on in the world, it's easy to feel like you're not doing enough, whether it's doing enough to keep yourself and your family safe from COVID-19 or doing enough to help fight racism. But one thing I'll never stop advocating for is that you all remember to take time for yourselves. You can't do anything if you're mentally exhausted and it's hard to be kind to others when you aren't being kind to you. If you've been looking for a place to recharge a little and connect with nature, you should head over to The Columbus Park of Roses. The flowers are stunning, the vibe is chill, and I promise you'll leave feeling a little bit lighter. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


2020 brought a lot of things, but one thing I'm happy to see on its way out is racist statues. Columbus State Community College has announced that their Christopher Columbus statue will be dismantled and removed from campus within two weeks and the general response has been "good riddance". Next up, City Hall? 

Talking Points ❤️ 

COVID-19 Quick Hits 💊

You might not realize how bad

..... R0 seems like an important metric to pay attention to going forward, and Governor DeWine

, helpfully broken down by Ohio region.

? ..... A local nurse describes the heartbreak and heroism they have seen


Ohio Lodges Reopen 🌳

Ohio State Park lodges reopened on June 5th, which makes this review of a trip to Shawnee Lodge in Portsmouth very timely. There are parts of this state I'm less familiar with, and I seem to be continually surprised at how lovely they turn out to be when I do finally check them out. Shawnee State Forest and Shawnee State Park look beautiful and they're now on my summer to-do list.


Columbus CBD 

We haven't talked about Ohio's medical marijuana program here in quite some time (it

, even pre-coronavirus) but CBD seems to still be a growth industry, even with the pandemic. Chris Spielman, former Buckeye and NFL All-Pro, is backing a new CBD brand that will be called "Spielman" from an outfit in New Albany called CBD Health Collection. I found it interesting that, for now, the company is using hemp grown in Nevada, but may be able to source in-state once Ohio's


(Business First)

Columbus City Schools Is Rethinking School Security

Columbus Public Schools has announced that they will revaluate their use of police resource officers. The decision to discuss school security comes after a protest outside of Columbus Board of Education President Jennifer Adair's home last week. 



81 and mostly sunny

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone)


Medium (Tree & Grass)

Today's Photo 🤳

An appropriate image for a year that's felt upside down pretty much from the start. 


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- Chelsea