Wednesday, July 22 2020

Where To Find The Best Soft Serve Ice Cream In Columbus πŸ¦

Diptychs & triptychs by 18 contemporary Ohio artists

Sponsored by Decorative Arts Center Of Ohio and their new exhibition 2+3x18: Rooted in tradition from the Byzantine, Medieval, and Renaissance eras, diptychs (two-paneled pieces) and triptychs (three-paneled pieces) have been used to tell stories through the ages. This exhibition features 18 contemporary Ohio artists who have used the diptych and triptych to create remarkable stories, some focused on personal experiences and others on a life-long interest or idea. Opens July 18th! More info right here. πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

This has been one hot summer. We've had some sustained high temperatures, so warm in fact that July has been the 4th hottest month recorded in Columbus since 1879. Luckily for all of us, it's still not as hot as the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and we have some fun and unique ways of cooling down. One of the most nostalgic has got to be snacking on a crunch cone of soft serve ice cream. Sometimes, it's all you need after a long, hot, July day. You're all in for a real treat, pun intended. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


I'm a sucker for public art, that's no secret. But I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that I was so freaking excited to check out these new pieces at Easton. Their new district is such a cool spot and the art here really adds to the urban vibes they were going for. A must-see is Umbrella Alley, where I can guarantee you'll find your next Instagram pic. 

Talking Points ❀️ 

Business As Usual? πŸ’Έ

Ohio HB 6, the $1 billion-plus ratepayer bailout of two nuclear power plants, never seemed to be on the up and up (at the time of passage, Vox said "

") and it turns out it was, in fact, a giant mess of graft and corruption. Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder's farm was raided early yesterday, and he was placed under arrest along with a veritable who's who of top Ohio Republicans. This is not the first time Householder has been investigated. In his first go-round as Ohio speaker (2001-2004) he was also investigated by the FBI for alleged money laundering, but no charges were filed.

(Toledo Blade)

After The Rain 🌈

We had a lovely rainbow last night! Here are some nice shots from around the city:

Coronavirus Roundup πŸ’Š


90 and thunderstorms likely, mostly after 2 PM. Otherwise, mostly cloudy.

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone & Particles)


 Low (Grass, Nettle, Dock)

Today's Photo πŸ€³

Neil Armstrong on the moon

We're a couple of days late, but I still wanted to take a second and remember the July 20th anniversary of the time an Ohioan walked on the freakin' moon. NASA, on this image:

Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, Apollo ll mission commander, at the modular equipment storage assembly (MESA) of the Lunar Module "Eagle" on the historic first extravehicular activity (EVA) on the lunar surface. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. took the photograph with a Hasselblad 70mm camera. Most photos from the Apollo 11 mission show Buzz Aldrin. This is one of only a few that show Neil Armstrong.


Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea