Wednesday, February 19 2020

Village Taco Is Spicing Up Life In Merion Village 🌮🌮

Happy Wednesday! Chelsea here.

We all know by now that I have some very basic tendencies. One of those is my emphatic, sometimes bordering on obnoxious, obsession with tacos. Now, I have a new spot to rave about. The plant-based menu at Village Taco is a revelation. If you've been considering making the transition to an animal-free diet, please let Village Taco show you how fantastic it can be. Even if you don't plan on becoming vegan, you won't be missing the meat, I promise. We (two non-vegans) tried a ton of options on the menu and they were all filling, flavored to perfection, and downright mouthwatering. Come down to my neck of the woods and have your mind blown by this vegan eatery. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


If you haven't heard of the Ohio 24-Hour Science Fiction and Horror Marathons, you're missing out. They're kind of a big deal. People line up hours in advance, just to spend 24 hours watching some of the most iconic, groundbreaking, and occasionally trashiest cult classics with their fellow fans. Let's get out of this world, fam! 


It's been a long time in the making, but Saucy Brew Works will finally be open in a couple of months. The Columbus location also has something unique, and it involves one of my favorite things: coffee. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Franklinton Dining 🍽

Good or bad, things are moving at the speed of gentrification (slightly slower than light) in Franklinton now, and that includes the food scene. This dining guide provides a great excuse to head to Franklinton if you haven't been in a while. Bonus points if you stop in somewhere local.

(Experience Columbus)

State Of The City 🇺🇸

This pairs well with the link above - the stakes are high in Columbus right now politically, and that was the backdrop for Mayor Ginther's State of the City address last week. This is, by far, the best roundup of what Ginther discussed and I highly recommend giving it a quick read to know what the current city government is prioritizing in 2020.


Round-Up 🔥

Former OSU running back Antonio Pittman started a new job this week.

.... I enjoyed this

....  The famous "Circus House" by Goodale Park

.... In a surprise move, famous chef Jonathan Sawyer might be


37 and partly sunny

Coming Up 📆

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Today's Photo 🤳

VASO igloos

This is such a great shot with the

in the background. This might be an unpopular opinion (?) but I'm pro-Instagram friendly/Instagram inspired attractions. That way of thinking can sometimes lead to cheap and gimmicky attractions, but when done well you end up with a very memorable experience - like the one these igloos provide. ❄️


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. 💌📭

- Chelsea