Wednesday, April 15 2020

The Convention Center Has Totally Transformed Into A Field Hospital

Art Makes Columbus

Ever come to tears or belly laughed during a performance, left an exhibition feeling thoughtful, calmed your anxiety by reading a poem? Now is the time to say thank you. Donate to the Emergency Relief Fund for Franklin County Artists

Hello, Wednesday! Chelsea here.

We're halfway through the week and the month, so let's just take a second to pause and check-in. I hope you're all doing alright and that you're keeping yourselves healthy and happy. Yesterday was #TransformationTuesday and no one was taking that more seriously than the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The exhibition hall has been completely overhauled to serve as a field hospital for COVID-19 patients and it's pretty remarkable to see. I never thought I'd see anything like this in my lifetime and it's a stark reminder of just how seriously we should all be taking the pandemic. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


A new order was put in place to help first responders prepare for coronavirus related patients and Governor DeWine spoke at length about the need to exercise caution when re-opening the economy. 


Have you ever wondered where the city's budget goes? This article does an incredible job of breaking down the Development portion of the budget in a way that's informative and easy to understand.


If you grew up in Columbus, there's a 100% chance that you spent some considerable time at one of these places. If you didn't grow up here, you should check this out anyway, just so you can get an idea of what this city was like in days gone by. 

Talking Points ❀️ 

Facts That Are Suddenly Timely 🎑

The first ever edition of the Ohio State Fair did not happen because of a cholera outbreak in 1849. Some other interesting fair facts here too - I had no idea the fair was once held at Franklin Park.

(Ohio State Fair)

A Livestreaming World πŸ’»

I love this - a list of tons of different educational live streams for kids during the pandemic, from crafts, to storytime, to phys ed even. It's really well put together and the content looks to be well-curated.

Otherworld πŸ„

I feel like every time I remember something I love in Columbus I then immediately wonder how all of this will affect them - probably because I mostly love experiences and restaurants. One business I hope will come through ok is Otherworld, one of my favorite things to happen in Columbus in recent years. If you haven't ever been, keep it in the back of your mind for when things open back up. I enjoyed this recent look at the business, from when Alive named the founders "Best Visionaries".



48 and increasingly cloudy, with a small chance for rain after 4 PM


Moderate (Tree)

Easton Restaurants

Sponsored by Easton Town Center: Please help support our 25+ restaurants who are offering meals through carryout, curbside & delivery services, as well as our 3 grocery stores (Costco, Whole Foods and Trader Joes)! Visit Easton Town Center to learn more. ❀️🍽πŸ₯–

Today's Photo πŸ€³

The best flag and a pretty gorgeous sunrise from Glen Echo. 🌀


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- Chelsea