Tuesday, September 29 2020

11 Socially-Distanced Fall Dates Around Columbus ❤️

Cartoon Crossroads Columbus

Sponsored by CXC 2020, coming October 1st-4th. This year the festival will be virtual with programming for everyone, including exciting guests, breakout sessions, and interactive events. To check the schedule and roster of guests, click right here💥💥

Happy Tuesday! Chelsea here.

When all of the major COVID-19 related shutdowns kicked off in March, I knew we were in store for a weird year. With an election, a pandemic, and a year full of natural disasters, it's hard to stop, breathe, and take a minute for yourself. But in times like these, our relationships are incredibly valuable. Taking time to spend with your significant other is so important for your mental health. If you've been putting off date night for a while now, schedule some time and make it happen. I promise you'll feel a little lighter afterward. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


This story from Ohio Capital Journal explores how Ohio received some broken COVID-19 test kits from the CDC and how that impacted our ability to fight the virus in the crucial early days of the pandemic. 


I feel compelled to say that I didn't exactly go to a gorgeous high school myself. I loved my time there (Go Comets!) but it wasn't because the halls were charming or the building had any architectural significance. The high schools on this list are stunning and even though I've been out of high school for longer than I care to admit, I'm still a little jealous of these places! 

Headlines 📰 

You've probably heard by now

that Ohio needs poll workers this year, and now news comes that Ohio State University employees can get paid to take the day off

. (WOSU)

And if you'd like

to explore working the polls this year,

. (Franklin County BoE)

Congratulations to both Ohio baseball teams

for making the playoffs in this weird-2020 season. The Indians will play the Yankees

, while the Reds get Atlanta


A pressing question

: does Columbus have enough tall buildings to

(Curious Cbus)

This looks like a fun hike

that includes some beach, a rarity in central Ohio: 

(Cbus 4 Kids)


66 and partly sunny

Air Quality:



 Low-Medium (Ragweed, Grasses)

Coronavirus Updates 💊

993 new cases

, 91 new hospitalizations, 5 new deaths. You can view a


All Columbus library locations

have re-opened for

. (Dispatch)

Columbus could take major inspiration

from the way other cities have embraced outdoor dining. New York City has repurposed tens of thousands of parking spaces

. (Streetsblog)

Jumping off from that point

, embracing outdoor living in general would be a great tactic for riding out the rest of this pandemic. Looking to Norway's concept of ‘friluftsliv’, or open air living,

. (National Geographic)

Today's Photo 🤳

Scioto Mile reflection

I'm always a sucker for Scioto Mile skyline reflections, and this is such a nice example of the genre. So still and peaceful. ❤️


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- Chelsea