Tuesday, September 15 2020

Yes, That’s West Coast Wildfire Smoke Over Columbus 💨

Musician Angela Perley Art Makes Columbus

Sponsored by Art Makes Columbus and Columbus Makes Art. Visit ColumbusMakesArt.com to learn more about Columbus artists, performances, exhibitions, concerts, public art and more, and click here to learn more about musician Angela Perley's story. A project of the Greater Columbus Arts Council. 🎸🎸

Happy Tuesday! Chelsea here.

Have you noticed the skies looking a little weird lately? You're not imagining things. Ohio may be used to gray days in the winter, but September skies are usually a heck of a lot clearer. What we're experiencing right now is smoke that has traveled from the fires on the West Coast, creating a haze in the sky. Sadly, the fire season is only about half over in California, Oregon, and Washington, and if the blazes continue, this probably isn't the last time we'll feel the effects. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


In addition to breaking ground, a new video has been released exploring what The Peninsula will look like when it's completed. This is going to change Franklinton forever. 


As we continue to explore the hottest neighborhoods in Columbus, I thought it would be a good time to check out one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. OTE has been a constant and ever-evolving area of Columbus since it's inception in the mid-1800s. Here's what home prices are looking like these days. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Quick Hits

It's Coming 🇺🇸

Two election links for today, both from WOSU. If you're worried about the election running smoothly, participating as a poll worker is a great way to help. I'm a big believer that doing what you can is a great way to alleviate stress, and bonus!, you get paid for the day.

Meanwhile, if you want to vote by mail, this is not a year to procrastinate, for multiple reasons:

Coronavirus Updates 💊


75 and sunny

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone)


 Medium (Ragweed, Nettle, Chenopods)

Today's Photo 🤳

We talked recently about Nancy's Home Cooking re-opening downtown after closing their Clintonville location that they had occupied since 1968. Here's a look at the new location, which used to be Jack's Diner. Click the photo and scroll through for a shot of the famous Nancy's chicken & noodles over mashed potatoes. 🍽


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- Chelsea