Tuesday, July 28 2020

This Nearly 200-Year-Old Grandview Heights Estate Is A Charmer πŸ‘

Discover Public Art In Columbus

Happy Tuesday! Chelsea here.

In 1833, Columbus looked a lot different. The population was less than 3,000, the city was still in its infancy and they were dealing with a cholera outbreak. But one thing that is still the same as it was in 1833 is this gorgeous house on Grandview Ave. We don't have as many historic properties in this city as we should, but the ones that remain are truly gems. If you're in the market for a million-dollar dream home with some gorgeous craftsmanship, look no further. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Reading has been my favorite hobby for as long as I can remember. Last year I got an e-reader for Christmas and I've been taking advantage of the massive collection of eBooks available through the Columbus Library ever since. If you want to get in on a global digital book club and read a historical fiction that's getting rave reviews, you'll definitely want to click the link above. Also, if you end up reading the book, hit reply on one of these daily newsletters and tell me what you thought! 


The City of Columbus, along with a few partners, is launching a new fresh food market in Linden. Construction on the market will begin in the fall and by early 2021, residents will be able to shop for free fresh foods. 

Talking Points ❀️ 

Memory Lane πŸ”

Who remembers the kind-of-weird McDonald's at Easton?

Easton McDonald's Photos:



Trainwreck πŸ’₯

I have to admit that I feel like I'm having constant brain fog during the pandemic, which is making me mostly want to watch trash tv and read very easy things. Perhaps you have felt this way at times! If so, the sage of Dublin mother Myka Stauffer might be just the thing - and it's mostly resolved ... sort of, so you won't be left wondering what happens next. This is an enraging story, so proceed only if you feel ok having some non-pandemic-related anger on this Tuesday morning.



Coronavirus Roundup πŸ’Š


87 and mostly cloudy, but becoming sunnier as the day goes on

Air Quality:



 Medium (Grass, Nettle, Dock)

Today's Photo πŸ€³

What a lovely look at the Goodale Park fountain! It's so nice to have back and operational. I can't wait until this winter to see it

. πŸ˜β„οΈ


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea