Tuesday, April 21 2020

You Can Have The Best Bagels In Columbus Delivered To Your Doorstep🍴

Hello, Tuesday! Chelsea here.

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that anything that makes life a little easier right now is totally worth it. Cooking at home is great. Really, I do enjoy spending time in the kitchen, especially with my husband who's a great cook. But let's be real, after a while it starts to lose some of its shine. If you're feeling the fatigue of meal planning and you want one less thing to worry about, listen up. The best bagels in Columbus can be delivered straight to your door. I'm talking, fresh, New York-style bagels friends. Sammy's Bagels is a Columbus institution and with very little effort, you can wake up to your easiest, most delightful morning yet. Trust me and treat yourself. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Cases in Ohio continue to climb as the governor fleshes out his plan to slowly reopen Ohio. 


Although many teachers, students, and parents were prepared to hear the news, that didn't make it any less disappointing. Students will not return to classrooms this academic year, and learning could look a lot different for schools in Ohio this fall. 


Local restaurants are adapting as best they can to continue operating throughout the pandemic. Kuya Ian's Bistro, a Filipino restaurant on the north side, is no exception. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Oh, 1980's Cleveland 🎈

Sometimes it helps to watch people in Before Times doing disastrously misguided things, and boy does this video qualify. Cleveland. 1986. A plan to release 1.5 million balloons downtown. Hit the link to see what happened next.

(The Atlantic - YouTube)

The Prisons Are A Failure 🚨

There's really no other way to look at an easily foreseeable situation like this and think anything other than somebody with authority has made poor decisions. 



Looking For The Good ❤️

As always, I don't want to leave you on a negative note, so this is a good finisher.



48 and mostly cloudy, but becoming sunnier as the day goes on. Breezy.


High (Tree)

Today's Photo 🤳

 is pictured here checking out the bison at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park, a wonderful quarantine activity that's always been all about social distancing from the start (obviously a good idea to keep a good bit of space between yourself and big wild animals as a recently viral Netflix documentary made very clear.) 🐃🐶🐅


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    - Chelsea