Tuesday, April 14 2020

Columbus Restaurants Can Sell Cocktails To-Go And Here Are 5 You Need To Try🍸

Brightview Health

Sponsored by BrightView Health: Personalized treatment that works. It takes courage to talk about alcohol and substance use addiction and they’re changing the conversation about treatment.  BrightView offers comprehensive treatment programs at their Columbus & Newark locations that are scientifically proven and tailored to individual needs. Call today & start feeling better tomorrow 1-833-510-HELP or visit their website for more info. ❤️❤️

Hello, Tuesday! Chelsea here.

We've all been adapting to life at home in different ways. But one thing I've really missed is going out to grab a drink with friends. It's not just the camaraderie and the conversation I'm missing. It's genuinely the delicious beverages. My home bartending skills are relegated to gin and tonics, so the fact that Ohio is now allowing alcohol to-go with meal orders is a real mood-saver. Get all the deets about the new rule and then order these 5 cocktails from some of my favorite Columbus haunts. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


News on how long we might need to wear masks, money being spent for food banks and to fight homelessness, DeWine's reaction to Trump's comments on federal vs. state decision making and more in today's update.


I love animals, I love our Metro Parks, and I love Coyote Peterson. He's one of my favorite Columbus celebrities and I love that he's using this knowledge and fame to shine a light on our local wildlife. This is a bit of a spoiler, but did you know that we had so many snapping turtles hiding in our waterways? Because I didn't and I'm wondering how many close calls I've had in the past.   


We moved downtown almost 10 years ago and I wouldn't change it for the world. If you've been wondering whether or not urban living is for you, take a gander through these amazing lofts and see if anything jumps out at you. Exposed brick, hand-hewn beams, soaring ceilings, and beautiful views all await. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Cures For Boredom 🎲

If you're fortunate enough to be at home and bored right now (consider the alternatives) this collaborative Google Doc is full of board games, card games, puzzles, drawing games, and more - all playable online. There's good stuff here for adults and kids both, particularly if you're looking to connect with friends (or if kids need something to do online with friends.)


Love ❤️

This woman is going around Columbus spray painting inspirational messages on people's driveways (when invited, of course.)

, and check out her Instagram below.


Home & Garden 🏡

Some interesting recent houses from Columbus Monthly:


47 and mostly cloudy


Moderate (Tree)


Ever come to tears or belly laughed during a performance, left an exhibition feeling thoughtful, calmed your anxiety by reading a poem? Now is the time to say thank you. Donate to the Emergency Relief Fund for Franklin County Artists

Today's Photo 🤳

Empty North Market parking lot

Sign of the times.


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- Chelsea