Thursday, May 14 2020

Renderings Of The New Crew Stadium Have Been Released ⚽️🏟

Sponsored by Easton Town Center: Easton has reopened and they're welcoming guests with open arms and a commitment to keeping everyone safe. Learn more here❤️

Hello, Thursday! Chelsea here.

It may seem like a distant dream, but I truly believe that eventually, we'll all be gathering together once again around Columbus for various events. And one of the places I'm most excited to get together with friends is the new Crew Stadium. The project has been under construction all winter and new renderings were released yesterday that are only increasing my excitement. This stadium looks incredible and I can't wait to watch the Crew win their first game. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


More summer cancellations and the self-employed can finally apply for jobless benefits.


Looking for a way to celebrate graduation? Whether your a loving parent or a hungry senior, you're going to be pretty jazzed about Krispy Kreme's Senior Week special. Free donuts won't make missing graduation any easier, but they will make your week a little brighter. 


Every now and then, I come across something on the internet that's so fantastic that I have to share it with you all. This movie was made right here in Columbus and it focuses on a Columbus Clippers player who's struggling with being a single parent while pursuing his baseball career. The nostalgia is so strong in here folks, so get ready to take a trip down Memory Lane. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

CARES Confusion 💸

If you don't own a business, consider the article below a window into how confusingly difficult it has been navigating federal programs during this pandemic. It's a quick and enlightening read, and this quote will stick with me: "

Wolf’s Ridge Brewing co-owner Bob Szuter has a background in finance, and even he hasn’t been able to fully ascertain details of the loan the brewery secured through the Payroll Protection Program (PPP).

“I’m struggling with this,” Szuter said. “So I really feel for the folks who don’t want to deal with the million scenarios that they have to run in their head in [determining] whether or not this program is going to be a good thing for them."CARES Act brings relief, confusion to Columbus small businesses (Alive)

The Future 🍽

Restaurants are reopening, but the outlook for the foodservice industry is still cloudy. This piece about Veritas goes into what it was like for them to shut down, how they are currently planning, and what might happen in the future. One critical consideration is the uncertainty in knowing when restaurants will be allowed to operate at 100% capacity. Re-opening is one thing, but can dine-in restaurants survive with the need for social distancing?

(Columbus Monthly)


78 and partly sunny, but a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms throughout the day


Medium (Tree)

Today's Photo 🤳

The suspension bridge at Wolfe Park was built in 1922 and crosses Alum Creek. It's always been one of my personal Columbus favorites. The park itself exists because Robert F. Wolfe and his wife Della M. Wolfe deeded it to the city for $1, saying at the time it was in "consideration of the good will which we bear toward the people of the said City of Columbus..." Wolfe was an early owner of the Columbus Dispatch, and the Wolfe family went on to own it for 110 years before selling in 2015.


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- Chelsea