Thursday, June 18 2020

7 Unique Outdoorsy Day Trips Within 3 Hours Of Columbus 🌳🛶

Happy Thursday! Chelsea here.

I think by now we've all come to the consensus that this summer is going to be a little different from previous summers. So what if big vacations may not be on the agenda? That doesn't mean we can't have fun. Ohio is a pretty big state and it's probably safe to say that you haven't explored it all. We've lined up some unique outdoor trips you can take around the state to have a little fun in the great outdoors. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Whether your family is in need of this program or you know someone else who is, this is great info to have on hand. Last summer, this program provided over 7,800 per day around Ohio which just goes to show how many children in our communities are facing food insecurity. 


I spent a long time trying to think of two people I admire more than Nina West and Dolly Parton and I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to kindness, these two queens have everyone beat. I can't wait to order my swag and help support these two incredible foundations.

Talking Points ❤️ 

A Pandemic Story 🍽

Very sad to share that Baba's, a place I always personally loved, is closing, but I'm not just linking this here for that news. The closing statement on the website is an honestly incredible read of what it's been like to operate a restaurant, and to live, through all of the insanity that 2020 has brought. 


Police Round-Up 🚨

Mayor Ginther has announced Columbus

, but even the founder of that movement admits it's only a

..... Columbus police account for more than 1/3rd of the Columbus city budget and

: $457,000 on ammunition. $1.2 million for helicopter maintenance. $4.5 million on body armor. Comparing it to other budget items isn't favorable either. For example, the city has one of the worst infant mortality rates in the country but is spending just $1.3 million on the problem. ...... 

 ..... Local faith leaders met with Chief Quinlan,

More Rush Creek 🏡

We recently highlighted

 (and talked

back in 2018), and it looks like we aren't the only ones enamored with the neighborhood.



81 and partly sunny, but a chance for showers all day, including potential for thunderstorms after 2 PM

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone)


 Low-Medium (Tree & Grass)

Today's Photo 🤳

So just how many spots in Columbus still have brick streets? Everyone knows about German Village, but I had no idea there's a street on the west side with bricks. This is Eldon Ave. right by Holton Park in the Hilltop. 


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- Chelsea