Thursday, January 7. 2021

This Is How Columbus And Ohio Officials Reacted To Pro-Trump Mob Storming The Capitol

Decorative Arts From The Tsars to the USSR

Sponsored by Decorative Arts Center of Ohio and their new exhibit Russian Decorative Arts from the Tsars to the USSR. From decades of collecting Russian decorative arts, commissioning works from USSR artists, and exploring Russia's vast territories, curator Michael Reese takes us on a visual journey through Russian history from the time of the tsars to the fall of the USSR. The exhibition paints a clear decorative picture of what it was like to live in Russia during those tumultuous times. Featured objects tell stories of wealth and poverty, political struggle, fashion, and religion. Click here for more details! 🇷🇺

Hello Thursday. Chelsea here.

Yesterday is a day that I think most of us will remember for the rest of our lives. What happened in Washington D.C. yesterday was shameful, embarrassing, infuriating, and unacceptable. We have so much work to do in this country and I know it's daunting to think about where to start. But we were promised a more perfect union and it's going to take all of us to build it. 

Navigator Feature Story: 

Headlines 📰 

Trump-selected US attorneys in Ohio

are vowing to prosecute any Ohioans who

. (Dispatch)

Live music

is so missed - 


Anger at local politicians

is usually fair, but the previous FOP contract has been a huge barrier to common sense police reform. This gets into the issues and looks ahead as

. (Alive)

And on that note

, the national media has once again landed in Columbus - 


It feels like the last year

has been so full of bad that even when good things happen they come and go so fast they barely register. The Columbus Crew winning a championship is a recent example, and so I really enjoyed this article from one of my favorite writers - 



36 and cloudy

Coronavirus Updates 💊

7,814 cases

, 454 hospitalizations, and 121 newly reported deaths. Trend graphs

Columbus Makes Art: Gabrielle Burton

Sponsored by Art Makes Columbus and Columbus Makes Art. Visit to learn more about Columbus artists, performances, exhibitions, concerts, public art and more, and click here to learn more about filmmaker Gabrielle Burton's story. A project of the Greater Columbus Arts Council. 🎥🎥

Today's Photo 🤳

Wishing so much for everyone reading this to feel some of the peace and calm I feel looking at this scene of winter beauty from Walnut Woods. ❤️


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- Chelsea