Thursday, January 3 2019

Here are 7 places in Columbus to learn something new in 2019πŸ‘πŸ‘

Happy Thursday! It's Chelsea.

I hope you are all ready to take full advantage of the relatively warm weather we're going to be having for the next week or so! It's a great time to get out and get things done, namely taking down Christmas decorations. But also, a great opportunity to focus on a little self-improvement. It's always easier to find motivation for trying new things when you don't have to shovel your sidewalk or scrape ice off of your car first. If you've decided that 2019 is the year you're going to dive in and work on yourself, let me help just a little. Here are some amazing places around town where you can learn something new, re-educate yourself on something old, or just expand your horizons a little. ❀️

Navigator full story:  

Navigator Originals ✏️


As my husband would tell you, I'm a sucker for ambiance. There's nothing I despise more than overhead lighting and if our destination isn't visually interesting, then I'm not usually interested in going. Luckily, this hasn't hampered our date nights at all because Columbus has some beautiful restaurants. Some are modern, some are more traditional, but all of them are well worth a visit. 

Talking Points ❀️ 

New year, new laws...

As we roll into 2019, there are many new laws in effect for Ohio. The minimum wage increases 25 cents to $8.55 an hour (tipped jobs go from $4.15 to $4.30), students must now learn cursive by 5th grade, schools must notify parents within two hours that their children are not at school, wired landlines will see a price bump, and Ohio lawmakers approved a pay raise for themselves every year through 2028.


More of this kind of news in 2019...

Sometimes you see stories that are heartwarming, but also very unnecessary because in a better world they wouldn't need to happen. Classic examples include teachers

, or basically

. This story is that type, but it's heartwarming, so long as you can ignore the structural problems underlying it all. Some days that's a struggle, yeah?


Our record-breaking 2018...

It wasn't just Columbus who had a wet 2018. The entire state of Ohio suffered through a soggy year.


Remembering Chris Bradley...

Everyone in Columbus should read

.  ❀️



39 and starting cloudy, but clearing as the day goes on. ☁️🌀

Coming Up πŸ“†

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πŸ› 1/5:

Today's Photo πŸ€³

Events Director Leanne was feeling the end of the holidays yesterday:

"Does anyone else feel like they deserve an award after today? We’re cracking open this @root23simplesyrups as a present to ourselves for getting up and doing the thing πŸΉπŸ‘πŸ»βœ¨

Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea