Thursday, April 30 2020

7 Alternatives To Handshaking That We Could Adopt Here In Columbus 👋

Hello, Thursday! Chelsea here.

I genuinely can't believe it's already the end of April. I'm fortunate to have the benefit of working through this time of quarantine, so maybe that's helped, but whether we're ready or not,

 With some businesses set to reopen next week, I thought we could take a look forward. Now that we're building a new normal and adopting new cultural practices, it's time to talk about the handshake. Since we'll all be keeping our distance from one another for the foreseeable future, it's probably good to come up with some alternatives. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


The Ohio Department of Education put out guidelines for schools to follow when hosting commencement ceremonies later this month. I can't help but feel bad for the seniors who may not get to have their iconic moment crossing the stage to accept their diploma. 


This time of year is always my favorite time to explore our Metro Parks, but it's especially true now that I'm spending all of my time at home. If you're up for a little adventure, there's one Metro Park in particular that will off you a magical afternoon of hiking. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Primary Results 🇺🇸

Ohio voter turnout for the 2020 primary election

, which is down from 41% in 2016. A non-competitive presidential primary on both sides certainly contributed to the drop, but, of course, most of the drop was due to coronavirus, and, arguably, the decision to make voters request a ballot instead of simply sending a ballot to every eligible voter in Ohio. Ohio leaders do seem to understand the problems with that approach,


It just does not meet expectations in the year 2020 to require people to print a form and to put a wet ink signature on a dead tree piece of paper to fold it up, root through their junk drawer to find a stamp and mail it to their board of elections,” ... “That is from the last century and needs to be replaced with a modern, online absentee request system.

Results from notable races:

  • The Columbus State Community College $300 million bond issue passed 60-40%. The levy will cost homeowners roughly $20 for every $100k of assessed home value and will go towards maintenance and new facilities.

  • Incumbent Democratic US House Rep. Joyce Beatty defeated her primary challenger Morgan Harper 68% - 42%. This was Beatty's first primary challenge since 2012 when she was first elected.

  • Alaina Shearer will take on Republican Troy Balderson in the 12th District. Balderson won the seat in a 2018 special election by less than a percentage point in August of 2018 before winning again that November 51% - 47%.

Face Mask Debate 😷

Governor DeWine's reversal on making face masks mandatory for retail customers is going to put the onus on businesses to police mask usage. (It's interesting to note that there are historical parallels to our current situation -

.) Read a local retail business owner's thoughts on what this will mean and look like in practice.



57 and rain likely throughout the day. Breezy.


Low-Medium (Tree)

Today's Photo 🤳

All of the lights. 🌈


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- Chelsea