Thursday, April 23 2020

Columbus Companies Are Stepping Up To Fight COVID-19 And It’s Inspiring ❤️


Ever come to tears or belly laughed during a performance, left an exhibition feeling thoughtful, calmed your anxiety by reading a poem? Now is the time to say thank you. Donate to the Emergency Relief Fund for Franklin County Artists

Hello, Thursday! Chelsea here.

Anybody craving a good news moment? I think I've got exactly what you're looking for. I'm always proud to live in Columbus, but lately, I've been overwhelmed with how fantastic this community is. It's easy to get bogged down in all of this, but it's important to remember that this city is proving that we can do so much good when we work together. Here are some Columbus businesses that are going above and beyond to help in the battle against coronavirus. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


The first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in the juvenile correction population here in Ohio and the Health Department is easing restrictions on elective surgeries. Get your daily update now.


I am straight up swooning over this stunning house, friends. It's tucked away in Linworth and it's got such incredible retro vibes. Just go ahead and click, I promise you won't be disappointed.


Looking to add another kid-friendly activity to your stay-at-home line up? Order a home decorating kit from Duck Donuts! You can get super creative with the whole fam, then enjoy a delicious treat together. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

#InThisTogether ❤️

Crew Stadium now features a message for Ohio on the grass field and

. Click the link below to see how it came together.

  (Crew Twitter)

Six Trees 🌳

I'm a total sucker for stories of people trying to do positive things right now, and this really hit the spot. Laura Sanders has started a campaign to get everyone to plant six trees. As

puts it: "I read that it takes six trees to absorb the amount of carbon released from one human lifetime of breathing. Plant six trees, reforest." More at the link below - it's a great story and a great idea. 

(Columbus Monthly)

Trust Experts 🥼

You may or may not have seen

pointed in Dr. Amy Acton's direction from a sitting state senator and his wife yesterday, but I found this article profiling her to be a tonic and a reminder of the good that people are trying do right now. (Mike DeWine's response was also


(Columbus Monthly)


55 and rain throughout the day


High (Tree)

Today's Photo 🤳

Newport sign - We will get through this Cbus

It sometimes feels like it's not so much good or bad days anymore, as it is good and bad hours or even moments. The feeling that everyone is facing this together though ... it helps. I keep thinking about just how amazing doing previously mundane things is going to feel. Remember concerts? Seeing a show at the Newport feels like the absolute pinnacle of luxury right now, and I really can't wait. ❤️ 


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- Chelsea