Thursday, April 1 2021

🌲 The Best Hikes In Hocking Hills

Welcome to April! Chelsea here.

***Spoiler alert: It's April Fool's Day. Good luck to all.

I'm always a little too excited when someone says they are going to the Hocking Hills for the first time. I think, by now, you all know that it's my favorite region in Ohio and it gives me so much joy to share it with others. It's a great place to take in some views, admire some waterfalls, and just enjoy nature. Here are the must-see spots when you head down next. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Vaccines may be rolling out but we aren't quite back to normal yet. So in the meantime, don't let date night fall to the wayside. We've got a few ideas that should keep the love alive friends.


I guess we're just going to be talking about trains every day! Amtrak has official released their massive expansion proposal and if this really happens, it's going to change Ohio forever. Before you know it we'll be taking day trips to Chicago or Pittsburgh. This map of the new and improved rail lines is seriously amazing. 

Headlines 📰 

Happy baseball Opening Day!

The Cincinnati Reds open the year at home this afternoon at 4:10 vs. the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cleveland Indians will open up in Detroit at 1:10 PM. I enjoyed these headlines from

and also these from

, both World Series championship years for each team. (Twitter - Tyler Buchanan)

The first appointments

for the new Columbus Civilian Police Review Board

. (10TV)

COVID-19 numbers are increasing again locally

, and we might be seeing a

 nationally with a deadlier and more transmissible variant circulating. Vaccines are now open to all, but finding appointments is still difficult - unless you think politically and

. For whatever reason. But there is hugely fantastic news - data from the CDC suggests vaccinated people

. (The Atlantic/Daily Beast/Twitter)

This story is just a whole lot for multiple reasons

, but worth reading if you have an online Dispatch subscription. Céilí Doyle is one of the best reporters working in Columbus right now: 



36 and mostly cloudy with (sigh) scattered snow showers throughout the day ❄️

Today's Photo 🤳

As you can tell this week, I can't get enough of all the color around town, doubly so on a cold day like this. ❄️


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- Chelsea