Saturday, April 11, 2020

Nav Weekly Digest: Your Top 5 Stories Of The Week πŸ€πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘


Ever come to tears or belly laughed during a performance, left an exhibition feeling thoughtful, calmed your anxiety by reading a poem? Now is the time to say thank you. Donate to the Emergency Relief Fund for Franklin County Artists

Happy weekend! Here are last week's top 5 stories.



I don't even enjoy basketball (unless you count HORSE) and I would 100% be into having this court in my house. There are so many hidden perks throughout this place, including a pool and sauna! 



Sometimes it's nice to just smile, and this theme song parody really does the trick. 



One day we'll get back to meeting up in-person at events, but for now, we should take advantage of all of the ways to socialize that we can.   



It's a real bummer that the residents of Circleville decided to do away with the city's unique layout. It would have been so cool during the Pumpkin Show. 



Feeling a little bit of cabin fever creep in? Change up your daily routine and add one of these quarantine-approved activities into the lineup. 

 Getting Through It β€οΈ






 Weekend Weather 🌑 


 57 and mostly cloudy


 63 and mostly cloudy with a chance of rain before noon

 Today's Photo πŸ€³

This little guy was too cute not to share. Don't you just wanna squeeze those little cheeks? 


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea