Monday, March 29 2021

🌮This New International Market On The West Side Is Incredible

Scott Woods GCAC

Sponsored by Art Makes Columbus and Columbus Makes Art. Visit to learn more about Columbus artists, performances, exhibitions, concerts, public art and more, and click here to learn more about writer Scott Woods' story. A project of the Greater Columbus Arts Council. 📚📚

Happy Monday! Chelsea here.

Imagine a place where as soon as you're done with the painful process of grocery shopping, you can reward yourself with tacos, ceviche, and a drink. La Plaza Tapatia is a new international market on Georgesville Rd. and it's incredible. I could get completely lost in this place, which comes complete with a bakery, a paleteria, and even a candy store. I can't wait until the weather warms up the the market starts hosting food trucks on their patio. It's going to be so much fun. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


Columbus has changed so much over the years, but there are some constants. One of those constants is how hard we love iconic places. They may be gone, but they'll never be forgotten. 


There definitely would have been a point in my life where my eyes would have glazed over at the sight of the words "Ohio transportation budget" but I have to admit, I find it incredibly interesting to see how money is being spent. 


Granville is one of my favorite small towns in Central Ohio, and now there's one more reason to visit. Ray Ray's is opening a new restaurant concept, Ray Ray's Meat + Three will be serving up a chef-inspired menu from their scratch kitchen, and I can't wait. 

Headlines 📰 

I was wondering the other day

if Family Ties holds up and came across this great column from Scott Woods about portrayals of Columbus in Hollywood. I'm not sure anything could beat “I Am Wrath"'s absolutely bonkers portrayal of central Ohio: 


This is subscriber's only content at the Dispatch

, but it's vital reading as both a record of how the Columbus housing market looks right now, and as a glimpse into a potential central Ohio future. There's a very real chance that a day will come where little-to-no housing in Columbus would be classified as "affordable" and if you feel skeptical about that prediction just look at Carpenter Street in Southern Orchards and what has happened there since 2008, as discussed here: 


This functions as an optimistic companion piece to the above

, with discussion of what (some) suburbs are becoming around the country. We are seeing so much of what this article talks about, particularly in Dublin and Gahanna, but all over central Ohio: 


This is set in a DC suburb

, but could have been written about any place in America, certainly including Columbus. This is what front line workers have been through in the past year: 

(In These Times)

Priscilla Tyson will be retiring

at the end of this year, bringing to an end her fourteen years

. (WOSU)


54 and sunny

Coronavirus Updates 💊

Today is the first day

vaccines will be available to

. It feels like this pandemic started a lifetime ago, but at the same time it's miraculous that we have gotten to mass vaccination in just a year. I'm feeling so grateful today that the end is within sight.

With this milestone, we will be retiring "Coronavirus Updates" as a section of the newsletter beginning tomorrow. We'll still discuss COVID-19 news and updates - please know that we'll still be passing along anything and everything you need to know - it'll just be up above in "Headlines".

Those of you who have been subscribers for more than a year will remember this newsletter once included an extremely curated, but robust, weekly events calendar. We aren't quite ready to bring that back yet, but it's on the horizon, and will replace this section. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who have spent any part of the last twelve months reading this newsletter. ❤️❤️

Today's Photo 🤳

My goodness. We've had some weather these past few days, but sometimes that's the special ingredient for a special sunset like this one from the end of last week. 🌤


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- Chelsea