Monday, March 1 2021

πŸ’ŠWe've Been Living With The Coronavirus Pandemic For A Year Now

Welcome to March! Chelsea here.

If you're wondering how it's already March again, you're not alone. The past year has been something else. Our daily lives have all been changed, from simple things like our morning commutes to stunning emotional losses like saying goodbye to loved ones. The pandemic isn't over yet, but that doesn't mean there isn't hope on the horizon. Take a look back at where we've been and where we're going. 

Navigator Feature Story: 

Navigator Originals ✏️


Skip the dishes this weekend and treat yourself to a delicious pizza from Yellow Brick. They've got a brand new creation, the Tiger Style pizza and you're not going to want to miss out.


I couldn't be more excited to share that Tigertree will be opening a new spot in Clintonville. I was so sad when they closed their Short North spot and it makes me so happy to see that they'll be back before we know it.


If you've ever wondered about the benefits of hemp and CBD based products, Carolina Hemp Company has the answers. The store is focused on education about the products as well as helping the local community.


Headlines πŸ“° 

The Peninsula project

across from the Scioto Mile in Franklinton is really coming along - here is a

. (Twitter)

Columbus Landmarks Foundation

has announced the winner of their annual Ed Lentz Prize and this year the honor goes to Angela O'Neal, Columbus Metropolitan Library Local History and Genealogy Manager. O'Neal launched the "

" tool which can be found at that link on the library's website and functions as an archive of central Ohio. It's remarkable all the things that can be found there. Columbus Landmarks runs down the list for us - "

published histories, annual reports, documents, organizational records, school yearbooks, city and county directories, ephemera, born-digital files, microfilm, neighborhood and city plans, government records and audiovisual materials (including photographs, negatives, slides, audio and video recordings.


. (Columbus Landmarks Foundation)

Did you know

there was once a Union army camp in Old North? 



43 and mostly cloudy but gradually becoming sunnier as the day goes on

Coronavirus Updates πŸ’Š

There's so much positive vaccination news

lately that it's hard to keep up - the US is vaccinating

. (Twitter)

On March 15th Columbus will resume

the "Outdoor Seating Pilot Program" that began last summer. The program allows restaurants to

. (ABC6)

There is a lot to think about and consider here

, both for the final stretch and if/when this happens again:

(The Atlantic)

Today's Photo πŸ€³

Moon over Columbus

The moon the last few nights, plus the temps ... unbeatable combo. ❀️


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea