Monday, June 8 2020

Things To Do This June, How To Participate In Protests, And More 📆

Art Pop

The ArtPop Street Gallery is back! ArtPop Cbus will shine the spotlight on our city’s talented artists by placing their work on available billboards and newsstands throughout Franklin County. Franklin County visual artists working in all media are invited to submit artwork for consideration and possible display on one of five available billboards circulating the central Ohio region in 2020. Click here for more info! 🎨

Hello, Monday! Chelsea here.

If you've been wondering how you can get more involved with the protests happening in Columbus, you've opened the right email. We're going to take a look at the different ways you can do that, including what to take with you to protests, where you can live stream protests you can't attend, and where you can donate funds. 

Navigator Feature Story: 

Navigator Originals ✏️


Columbus is starting to re-open, which means there are actual things to go out and do this month. This list has it all, from fun family-friendly activities to social activism. 

This list of videos and photos of Columbus protestors experiencing police brutality started at 7 and has continued to grow as the protests continue. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Police In Schools 🚨

With recent events, community members and politicians in many cities are looking hard at previous decisions to embed police officers in community schools. This article gets into the details on

. An effort is underway to remove Columbus Police from Columbus City Schools. If you'd like to add your name hit the link below.

"Non-Lethal" 🚨

I feel like I'm learning all the time lately. Am I the only one? For instance, I had no idea that police are so quick to fire projectiles like rubber bullets as a crowd control method, or that Columbus police would use tear gas and pepper spray on peaceful protestors so cavalierly. Seeing the wounds and injuries of protestors in media like Twitter has been shocking, as was the story of a young woman

after attending a protest and getting sprayed by a "chemical agent".

(National Geographic)

(Washington Post)

Our History 💸

Columbus is

. This is the story of how it became that way.


Beauty Everywhere 🌳

I really enjoyed this look at Green Lawn Cemetary. It's a peaceful and pretty spot that I'm not sure gets talked about enough locally - it's a little under the radar. There are many local and nationally famous people buried there, and this article goes into some of that as well. 

(Travel 88)


85 and sunny

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone)


Medium (Tree & Grass)

The Life & Art Of Barbara Shermund

Sponsored by Decorative Arts Center of Ohio which is proud to present a Virtual Tour of Tell Me a Story Where the Bad Girl Wins: The Life & Art of Barbara Shermund. Starting in 1925, Shermund contributed nine covers and hundreds of cartoons to the New Yorker, and later became a celebrated mainstay at Esquire. Her cartoons had a fierce and feminist electricity rarely seen in that era of male-dominated cartooning. Learn more and take the tour right here! 💥💥

Today's Photo 🤳

"Sow the seeds of justice" seems like the perfect message for starting off this week. If you haven't had a chance to check out the artwork throughout downtown yet, please make time to do so. It's powerful, moving, and breathtaking. 


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. 💌📭

- Chelsea