Monday, June 29 2020

11 Incredible Glamping Locations Perfect For A Weekend Getaway 😍

Columbus Museum Of Art Now Open

Sponsored by Columbus Museum of Art, which is excited to welcome visitors back on Tuesday, June 30th (and open now for members!) Health and safety are top priorities during reopening, and for more on what Columbus Museum of Art is doing and to plan your visit, click right here🖼🎨

Happy Monday! Chelsea here.

Welcome back to another week. We've got a lot of important stuff to cover, but I wanted to ease us all into the week gently with a great weekend getaway idea. Last week we talked about good, old-fashioned tent camping, but this week we're stepping it up. If sleeping on the ground and cooking over a fire isn't your vibe, maybe I can interest you in a weekend of glamping instead! This list also includes one of the most incredible glamping opportunities in Ohio overlooking safari animals. Be prepared because you're going to want to plan a mini-vacay after this. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️

You're invited to a conversation about systemic racism with YWCA Columbus. This is a great read about what we can all be doing as individuals and a community to help fight racism in Columbus. 


If you've been missing out on visiting COSI, you're not the only one and you're in luck. They'll be reopening next month and they've got science-based COVID-19 guidelines in place to help keep visitors and staff as safe as possible. 

Kevin Williams takes a closer look at Black Freedom, a group that emerged seemingly overnight and who have been meeting with Columbus Police throughout the protests. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Midcentury Vibes 🍽

Serious booth and table dividers are probably going to be part of our reality for a while, and I love the idea here of doing them in an attractive way. And I'm always going to be a sucker for a story of neighbors helping neighbors. 

(This Week)

Coronavirus Forecast ⛈

We're on the upswing again. Keep going

and social distancing.


Quick Hits

I had no idea this

..... From Croatia, to Cleveland,


 ..... Nina West is teaming up



89 and mostly sunny

Air Quality:

Moderate (Ozone)


 Low-Medium (Grass)

Today's Photo 🤳

Perkins Observatory

Perkins Observatory at Ohio Wesleyan University was founded in 1923 and is still an active research facility. They also offer some public events (at least in non-pandemic times.) The observatory doesn't seem to do social media (I think?) and their website is delightfully old school, but you can

. Just add them to your bookmarks ... do people still do bookmarks? 🔭


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- Chelsea