Monday, January 29 2018

The Wizard Of Oz has come to Easton. πŸŒͺ

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Hello Monday. It's James.

This feels a little out of left field, and it's flown a bit under the radar, but apparently Easton is hosting traveling exhibitions now.

A fairly large space has been set up upstairs next to Bar Louie and Five Guys for an exhibit showcasing 

The Wizard Of Oz.

 We checked it out over the weekend, and if you're a parent we give it an "A+++ Would Gawk At Ruby Slippers Again." Even if you don't have kids it's worth a quick visit if you love the movie or if you have some time to kill before hitting the AMC.

Monday Weather πŸŒ‘πŸŒ¨β„οΈ 36. Snow likely after 3pm. Less than one inch predicted. Windy.

Navigator Originals βœοΈGrant Oak Apartments Are Being Torn Down And Redeveloped πŸ‘The Columbus Library has sold their apartment complex to Pizzuti Company. On the one hand, the new development will undoubtedly be nice, on the other these were pretty choice affordable apartments for Columbus State students. It was a little strange for a library to be in the apartment business though, and it's not a surprise to see that situation remedied.Old North Arcade Is Selling The Only Laundry Pod You Should Be Putting In Your Mouth πŸ‘ΎI didn't at all believe the Tide pod thing was real at first (and I'm still skeptical that it's a thing that actually happened aside from a video here and there before they were all banned - what can I say, I'm an optimist), but this is good hustle from Old North Arcade capitalizing on the story. Very clever.The 2018 Bunbury Lineup Is Finally Here πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€Bunbury looks good this year, with what I think looks like a deeper line-up than 2017's.

Around Town 🏘Three dozen invasive plants are now illegal to purchase in Ohio, including certain types of honeysuckles and Bradford pear trees (full list here - PDF), according to new rules that were put in place earlier this month. [WOSU]This letter to the Dispatch is going viral because it lays out very clearly and succinctly why Columbus public schools are cutting funding. 1) The state cut funding while 2) more than $1 billion was spent on charter schools ECOT. [Dispatch]In related news, the Dispatch asks "With ECOT closed, will Ohio ever recoup $53.6 million?" Betteridge's law of headlines states "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no" which seems appropriate here. [Dispatch/Candisky]Hot Chicken Takeover received more national attention this month, in what's becoming a regular occurrence. This time it's Forbes looking at Joe DeLoss and the restaurant's drive to do good. [Forbes]AEP Ohio is sending 14 line workers to Puerto Rico. A significant portion of the island remains without power. [NBC4]

Weekly Concert Calendar: πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€πŸŽΈπŸŽΉ1/29: Sleeping With Sirens1/31: San Fermin2/1: Kuinka2/1: Umphrey's McGee2/2: Under the Streetlamp2/2: In This Moment2/3: Poppy

Longread πŸ“•"SHADOWS FROM THE WALLS OF DEATH, printed in 1874 and measuring about 22 by 30 inches, is a noteworthy book for two reasons: its rarity, and the fact that, if you touch it, it might kill you. It contains just under a hundred wallpaper samples, each of which is saturated with potentially dangerous levels of arsenic."Atlas Obscura: How a Library Handles a Rare and Deadly Book of Wallpaper Samples

Something to say? Hit reply - we read it all.- James