Monday, August 12 2019

The Best Cupcakes In Columbus 🧁🧁

Columbus Makes Art

Sponsored by Art Makes Columbus and Columbus Makes Art. Visit to learn more about Columbus artists, performances, exhibitions, concerts, public art and more. A project of the Greater Columbus Arts Council. πŸŽ­πŸŽ¨

Happy Monday! Chelsea here.

Did everybody have a good weekend? I know I did. But just in case you're not ready to tackle the week yet, I thought we'd ease in gently. No morning that starts out with a discussion about cupcakes could ever go wrong. Cupcakes are the perfect addition to any party or gathering, so having a list of where to find the best ones around the city will undoubtedly come in handy. There are all kinds of flavors, icings, and decorations awaiting you. But, spoiler alert, reading this could very well intensify your sweet tooth. πŸŽ‚

Navigator Feature Story: 

Navigator Originals ✏️


Here's a story, of a house in Columbus... Now that The Brady Bunch theme song will be stuck in your head all day, let's talk about this gorgeous midcentury modern home on Dublin Rd. It's been beautifully updated and the open floor plan is a dream. Where do I sign? 


Summer may be winding down, but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop. Spend a weekend learning how some of your favorite treats are made. Ohio has some sweet (pun intended) factory tours, where you can try goodies and see exactly how they're made. 

Talking Points ❀️ 

Spaceport Lake Erie πŸš€

A billion dollars 50 years ago was quite a bit of money, and yet that's what was proposed to make Cleveland an "aeronautical Disneyland". What could have been: 

Columbus' Own πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

I'm unclear on how much we can claim Simone Biles given she moved to Texas a few short years after being born here, but anyway, just

: a 6th US national title, including the first-ever triple-double in competition (two flips, with three twists). You owe it to yourself to

 of her historic feat whether you like gymnastics or care at all because it's just so absurdly amazing.

The Best Grandson ❀️

An 89-year-old Ohio grandmother named Joy Ryan had never seen the ocean or mountains and so her grandson decided to fix that,

. In the last three and a half years, they've traveled over 25,000 miles and have been to 29 national parks. You can

, and I recommend it - so heartwarming. 



88 and mostly sunny

Air quality

: Moderate (Ozone & Particles)


 Low (Grass)

Coming Up πŸ“†

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Today's Photo πŸ€³

Prairie Oaks Metro Park

Hope you've been getting your Metro Parks time in this summer. We love Prairie Oaks, especially the doggie beach in the Darby Bend Lakes area. ❀️ πŸ“Έ:

& found via

Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea