Friday, March 20 2020

Don't Forget To Let Yourself Feel Joy ❤️

Easton restaurants offering carryout, curbside and delivery

Sponsored by Easton Town Center: Please help support our 25+ restaurants who are offering meals through carryout, curbside & delivery services, as well as our 3 grocery stores (Costco, Whole Foods and Trader Joes)! Visit Easton Town Center to learn more. ❤️🍽🥖

Hello, Friday! Chelsea here.

I swear, if it weren't for the top of this daily newsletter, I probably wouldn't know what day of the week it is. This week, in particular, has felt simultaneously so fast and incredibly slow, and it's a weird dynamic to contend with. But we've arrived at the weekend and I'm grateful. Normally we'd be asking you where you're going this weekend and what fun things you'd be doing around the city. We can't be going out and doing our usual weekend things, but we can call a friend, laugh at a funny cat video on Youtube, and go outside for a nice walk. I know that this week has been a little scary and that we will probably have more stressful days to come, but I think we should just take a moment to focus on some positive things that were happening this week. Give me a few minutes to put a smile on your face, fam. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️


You know we're in a real pickle when a day feels relatively quiet, yet still included the Ohio National Guard getting called into service. That, plus more, including the takeaways from Governor DeWine's daily press conference in your coronavirus roundup.


We've talked about a lot of ways to support our local communities during this crisis, but we saved the best for last this week. The American Red Cross needs urgent donations of blood, and they're asking anyone who's healthy to consider scheduling an appointment. We can be literal heroes, just by rolling up our sleeves. 

Talking Points ❤️ 

Hard Times 💸

So many people are facing difficult situations right now, but the situation for restaurants, bars, and entertainment seems especially grim. 

(Columbus Monthly)

Choose Local 🍽

And on that note, a group has put together a spreadsheet of restaurants offering carry-out, delivery, and in some cases, discounts. Just about everyone is looking at an uncertain financial future right now given the economic turbulence, even if you're lucky enough to be ok in your job, but if you feel like you can keep up your normal routines surrounding eating out I'm sure any restaurant on this list would appreciate the business.

Cute Factory ❄️

It feels appropriate to close out our links for the week with a short video of Aurora the polar bear's 17-week old cub playing with a ball in his pool. He does such a good job!

(Columbus Zoo - Instagram)


68 in the morning before dropping into the 50s as the day goes on with showers and thunderstorms that could produce heavy rain at times. Very windy with gusts up to 36 MPH.

Today's Photo 🤳

Hayden Falls

Hayden Falls is a spirit lifter. 💦

I hope if you're working from home that you're getting some outside time. The rain should be moving out this weekend giving us all the opportunity to take some nice long walks.


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- Chelsea