Friday, July 9 2021

😲 Columbus Is Getting A 20-Foot Tall Slingshot Sculpture

Happy Friday! Chelsea here.

I want to kick things off this morning by correcting an error from yesterday. The link to yesterday's feature story was missing from the newsletter, so I'm going to give you all a minute to go ahead and check out this charming resort really quick. 

Okay now that we've rectified that situation, it's time to move onto today's feature! I love all of the support for public art that Columbus is experiencing right now and I cannot wait to see this massive sculpture when it's finished. 

Navigator Feature Story: 


Navigator Originals ✏️

 📆 This weekend's festivities include lots of fun things including fantastic concerts, farmers markets, and more. The weather this evening is supposed to be gorgeous so don't waste it, friends! Get out there and do something fun. 


I'm sure you all remember how much I raved about Emmett's first location in the Brewery District

. Well they're opening a second spot inside the upcoming Open Air development and it's going to be so cool. Open Air in general has me so excited and I can't wait until it's open. 

Headlines 📰 

The City of Columbus

has been awarded a $25 million grant to help 


Looking for an easy road trip from Columbus?

Here are 10 reasons why you should

(Lakes and Lattes)

In 1971, the state legislature set records

in Ohio for fiscal inaction and, of course, the political shenanigans

(Ohio Capital Journal)

🌤 Weather:

79 and partly sunny

Coming Up 📆

💦 7/9: 

🎭 7/9: 

🎵 7/10: 


Today's Photo 🤳

🏟 It's been a couple of years since

. Here's how it's looking in 2021 - hit the link to see a side by side from the stadium's glory days. It's a little hard to believe, but this site has now been standing empty for nearly 13 years.


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Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. 💌📭

- Chelsea