Friday, January 18 2019

Everything you need to know to have the perfect weekend in Columbus πŸ˜Žβ„️

Happy Friday! It's Chelsea.

Is anyone else getting a little sick of these snow storms sucking up our whole weekend? Whew. I realize how childish that sounded, but it's been on my mind and I needed to put it out there. I know, I know. It was just a little snow last weekend and this one will probably end up being fine, but I just want a little sunshine and clear skies in my life. And I promise I have a great reason. This weekend is a total lunar eclipse, aka a blood moon, and I really, really want to see it! Just in case you weren't aware it was happening, let me get you all caught up. πŸ€“πŸŒ”

Navigator full story:  

Navigator Originals ✏️


Ice Cream for Breakfast day is coming up and I mean, I'm not going to tell her no!


Saraga is a glowing treasure in Columbus, and I couldn't be happier that they are opening up a second spot even closer to my house. Fingers crossed that it also has a Momo Ghar! 🀞


It's the freakin' weekend people. It may be a snowy mess, I think we're all determined to make the best of it! 

Talking Points ❀️ 



Welp, we need to lead with the weather. First, today will be waking up to dense fog, then cloudy and 35. The drama will really start on Saturday. The forecast has been changing nearly hourly, but currently, it's looking like 3-5 inches of snow to go along with .1 of an inch of ice. I've seen forecasts that call for 8+ inches of snow. We'll also see serious wind, with gusts up to 35 MPH. Keep an eye on it, and maybe head to the store today. With that wind and ice potential it's not out of the question we could see power outages.

Ohio is in business


Medical marijuana is now officially for sale, and the state saw

on the first day of operations in eastern Ohio. The rollout still has a long way to go however, and no word yet on when sales will start happening in central Ohio.

Hold up


We said on Monday that it looked like the ticket tax was a done deal, but an anti-tax group has formed and will be attempting, via litigation, to put the tax on the ballot either this spring or in the fall. The group has two main points, the first being that City Council is "rushing through ordinances thru an unfair process" and second that there is still room for local arts to ask for funding from private Columbus business. 

Getting close on OtherWorld


Remember our

? The art installation/experience is getting awfully close, with a goal of opening late March.

SI with a Crew post-mortem ⚽️

Starring Mark Titus, of Club Trillion fame. The podcast is a half an hour long, but SI pulled some quotes out. One thing Titus has correct: the first time Austin comes north to play the Crew is going to be an experience.

Coming Up πŸ“†

πŸ›Ά 1/18-20:

🎭 1/18-20:

(Columbus Children's Theatre)

πŸ’ 1/18:

❄️ 1/19:

🍽 1/19-20:

🎻 1/19-20: 

(Ohio Theatre)

🍽 1/20:

Today's Photo πŸ€³

State Fair dreaming - We are digging this shot from 


 dropped in the 

 feed last week πŸ™ŒπŸ»β€‹πŸŽ‘

Something to say? Hit reply - we love mail. πŸ’ŒπŸ“­

- Chelsea